CS 240: Programming in C -- Summer 2021

Moday, Tuesday & Thursday 06:00PM-07:30PM

Welcome to the exciting world of programming in C!

This page provides information on the CS 240 course for the summer semester of 2021. Please come back regularly during and after the course to check for updates on class notes, assignment deadlines, office hours etc. Note that we will have the blackboard for online discussions and announcement.

Online Classroom:

Please sign in to our Piaaza class for announcements and discussions.
If you are not permitted to sign in, send me an email, I will sign you in.


Haoyu Wang
Email: haoyu.wang001@umb.edu
Office location: Online Classroom
Office hours: 5:00-6:00PM Mon, Tue, Thu or by appointment

Course Description:

C programming is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis M. Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories to develop the UNIX operating system. C is presented as both ageneral-purpose and machine-level language, mostly used for writing system programs.

Topics covered include: representation of integer and characterdata, bitwise operations, masking, memory allocation methods, pointers, dynamic data structures, file I/O,separate compilation, program development tools and use of debuggers.No courses required by the CS major, minor, or certificate may be taken pass/fail.


Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition
Kimberly Nelson King, C Programming: A Modern Approach

Getting Ready: New

  • Environment Setup: Environment Setup
    (If you have a linux like enviroment, you will be all set.)

    Supplemental Instruction For this Summer


  • Evaluation:

    The total score consists of the following:

    50%: Homework assignments (Drop lowest homework)

    50%: The best 2 of 3 tests

    The total score is converted to a letter grade according to the following

    Score Grade
    [93, 100] A
    [90, 93) A-
    [87, 90) B+
    [83, 87) B
    [80, 83) B-
    [77, 80) C+
    [73, 77) C
    [70, 73) C-
    [67, 70) D+
    [63, 67) D
    [60, 63) D-
    [0, 60) F



    Homeworks (PDF) Posted on Due Date
    Homework #1 Code Stub #1
    June 10 23:59PM, June 24

    Class Sessions :

    Index Session Dates Topics & Slides Codes & Materials Recordings & PassWords
    1 Tue, July 01 Intros
    -- --
    2 Thu, July 02 Get Started Code Samples Video Recording 2 (Passcode: 4b*YLq&g)
    3 Mon, June 07 Slides #3 Code Samples Video Recording (Passcode: ac#ynW0X)
    4 Tue, June 08 Arrays and Control Flow Code Samples Video Recording Passcode: ac#ynW0X
    5 Thu, June 10 Arrays and Control Flow
    Code Samples Video Recording ( Password: 6s%6S!A@)
    6 Mon, June 14 Arrays and Control Flow
    Code Samples Video Recording (Passcode: Ak7MPMz%)
    7 Tue, June 15 Arrays and Control Flow
    Code Samples Video Recording (Passcode: q$?SihP6)
    8 Thu, June 17 Header File && Macro Code Samples Local Recordings
    9 Mon, June 21 Lib && Bitwise Oper Code Samples Passcode: !fF8=2j=
    10 Tue, June 22 Intro Pointers Code Samples Passcode: PRe??V%0
    11 Thu, June 24 Pointers Continued Code Samples Passcode: 2s7#Cl*%
    12 Thu, June 24 Pointers Continued Code Samples Passcode: 2s7#Cl*%
    13 Mon, June 28 Pointers Continued Code Samples Passcode: cm..W@1U
    14 Tue, June 29 string.h Code Samples Passcode: 5!0b^wWf
    15 Thu, July 1 review Code Samples Passcode: 5Sh#+E14
    16 Mon, July 5 Ind. Day Observed
    17 Tue, July 6 Test1
    18 Thu, July 8 Func Pointers Code Samples Passcode: *!*X1m^A
    19 Mon, July 12 Pointers Continued Code Samples Passcode: w0X2X&%t
    20 Tue, July 13 Code Samples Passcode: #sLWi29+
    21 Thu, July 15 -- Code Samples Passcode: 2dZAz?na
    22 Mon, July 19 Padding Code Samples Passcode: 5nV?M@nY
    23 Tue, July 20 Union, Endianess Code Samples Passcode: MWi&3.%0
    24 Thu, July 22 test2 -- --
    25 Mon, July 26 Review of test2 Passcode: gh0@uU?h
    26 Tue, July 27 Review of test1 Passcode: 8CpYY$dv


    Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 offers guidelines for curriculum modifications and adaptations for students with documented disabilities. If applicable, students may obtain adaptation recommendations from the Ross Center for Disability Services, Campus Center, UL Room 211, (617-287-7430). The student must present these recommendations and discuss them with each professor within a reasonable period, preferably by the end of Drop/Add period.

    Student Conduct:

    Students are required to adhere to the University Policy on Academic Standards and Cheating, to the University Statement on Plagiarism and the Documentation of Written Work, and to the Code of Student Conduct as delineated in the catalog of Undergraduate Programs. The Code is available online at:life_on_campus/student_conduct